Christmas is considered a Christian holiday, many people on that day put on lovely cloths and attend church services to signify the birth of our savior Jesus Christ even though he wasn't born on that day. In case you weren't aware, Christmas is celebrated slightly differently all over the word. We also know that Jesus was not born on Winter season!
Lets be realistic, the reason most of us celebrate Christmas is because we don't know why we do the things we do or where our customs came from. We were born into a world filled with customs and tradition and we grew up practicing them, never questioning why! We think its all about love, good cheer and gifts. We should remember that the early true Christians never celebrated this.
Origin: Christmas actually came to us as a Roman catholic mass, Christmas means- mass of Christ, later shortened to Christ-mass. The Roman catholic church during the rule of Emperor Constantine ushered in pagan feast, he wanted to unit his empire, both Christians and pagans together. He achieved this by re-writing history and re-naming pagan with christian names, e.g: Valentines day, Mothers and fathers day, Halloween and Thanksgiving.
The roman catholic church fed us with lies and our religious leaders have hidden the truth from us, if it was a christian holiday, why are you putting a pine tree in your living room? you are actually renewing a festival over laden with pagan themes. We should ask ourselves, our we celebrating Christmas to honor God? Or are we celebrating it we please ourselves?

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